Define your use case
The first step to take as an ICT service provider is to determine your own use case, so that you can decide whether it makes sense to become an SCSN service provider. This website offers the information you need to get a good idea of the qualities and advantages of SCSN. In the testimonials, other service providers explain why they chose to work with SCSN, and manufacturing companies give you more information about the advantages.
Important questions that need to be answered are: which of my customers benefit from SCSN, what do their supply chains look like, and which data is shared in these chains? Based on this, form a picture of the possible costs and benefits of SCSN.
Know the principles
Although SCSN is open standard and all information is publicly available, SCSN service providers are asked to strictly adhere to the rules and conform to the established principles. This is the only way SCSN can fulfil its promise that manufacturing companies will connect just once and be able to exchange data with all connected companies. And only in this way can SCSN actually be a standard with sufficient critical mass.
This also means that service providers are asked to make a financial contribution to the SCSN Foundation and thus contribute to management costs.
Once the decision has been formally made to join the SCSN community as a service provider, the technical integration into the SCSN Network follows. After that, the implementation will be certified and the service provider can be added to the list of certified service providers. The SCSN Foundation will support you in this process.
Pilot and roll-out
As soon as the connection to the SCSN network has been set up, we advise you to set up a pilot with one of your clients. This way, you can check whether everything works correctly and internal processes can be adjusted to SCSN. This is followed by the upscaling phase; the more companies that use SCSN, the more efficiently the system works and the greater the benefits for the individual company. This will require a commercial effort from the service provider.
As a company, you are part of the SCSN community. During regular meetings, you can share your experience with other service providers and discuss how SCSN can be further improved and developed. Service providers are also invited to participate in working groups that aim to further develop SCSN.